Welcome to the Tama Library

Library Policies


Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that

the following basic policies should guide their services.

1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin,

background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical

issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and


4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free

expression and free access to ideas.

5. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background,

or views.

6. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make

such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or

groups requesting their use.


Adopted June 18, 1948. Amended by the ALA Council February 2, 1961, June 27, 1967,

and January 23, 1980, inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996



Table of Contents

1.        Purpose

2.       Definitions

3.       Responsibility

4.       Goals

5.       Principles of selection

6.       Guidelines

7.       General Collection

a.       Non-Fiction

b.       Fiction

c.       Magazines & Newspapers

d.       Reference

e.       Local History

f.        Materials for Disabled

g.       Language Instruction

h.       Movies

i.         Computer Software

j.         Young Adult Collection

k.       Children’s Collection

8.       Maintenance

9.       Gifts

Board Approved: Reviewed 10/2011. Reviewed and Updated 12/2014 Reviewed & Updated 12/2018

The Louise & Lucile Hink

Tama Public Library



General Collection

1.    Non-Fiction

·         Non-fiction selected for the general collection is chosen carefully for its usefulness, accuracy, level of complexity for the intended audience, cost, or contribution to a well-balanced collection in all subjects.

2.    Fiction

·         The library attempts to provide a general collection of standard fiction by recognized authors. In addition, a wide-ranging selection of contemporary fiction is purchased, including experimental, mystery, western, science fiction, and light romance titles.  The interests and requests of library users are generally followed.  Multiple copies of frequently used titles are provided, with preference for additional copies in paperback when possible.  A collection of books on CD is also provided using the same selection criteria that are applied to books.

3.    Magazines and newspapers

·         A large collection of magazines providing informational and recreational reading is maintained. Because of space limitations and the availability of electronic databases, back files are not retained.

4.     Reference Collection

·         One of the top priorities for the library is to provide the public with accurate, up-to-date, readily accessible information on a wide variety of topics.  Current reference materials in subject areas are selected by the subject specialists.  Special emphasis is placed on acquiring municipal, county, school district and some state publications, consumer information, and state and local history materials.  When appropriate and cost effective, reference tools are purchased in computer based formats (CD, on-line databases, Internet).  Selection is based on the merit of a work in relation to the needs and interests of the community and the collection development goals of the library.  Critical judgment is used to select those items best suited to fulfill these needs.  Cost, space, usefulness, demand, and current holdings must also be considered.

·         The library creates several other local informational files including a listing of local associations.  The library retains information on Tama History, Meskawaki/Native American history, and the history of Iowa.

5.    Local History

·         Materials in whatever format available which contribute information about Tama and Tama County history are purchased whenever possible with less regard for quality of presentation than those materials in the general collection.  Circulation materials related to Iowa and Iowa authors are given detailed subject headings to aid in their retrieval from the catalog.  The Tama Public Library does not purchase specialized genealogical materials or old U. S. Census materials on microfilm because these are available at the Tama County Historical Society in Toledo.

6.    Special Materials for the Disabled

·         Books in large print format are purchased for those readers with visual handicaps.  Recent best sellers and titles of proven popularity are added and/or are available through Inter-library Loan.  In addition, popular and classic titles are purchased in all subject areas on audio CDs when possible.

7.    Other Language and Language Instruction

·         Because Tama has a limited non-English speaking population, it is not possible to buy larger numbers of recreational reading titles in all the languages for which there is a need and demand.  These materials will be purchased when we have funds available.  Fiction (both classics and contemporary authors translated into other languages) as well as selected popular non-fiction is generally available through the Inter-library Loan system.

·         Language instruction materials in print and other formats are acquired to meet local demand in any language requested.

8.    Movies

·         The library’s collection of movies on VHS video cassette has been discontinued. The collection will slowly be replaced with newer, better technology on Blu-ray Discs and DVD.  The library’s collection represents a broad cross-section of styles, nationalities, and periods.  For those titles where there is significant demand by both adults and children, duplicate copies may be selected and shelved when possible.

9.    Computer Software

·         The library’s collection of computer software contains informational and educational programs.  The software is selected by the staff with consideration to local patron needs.

10. Young Adult Materials

·         In the Tama Public Library the age range known as young adult is generally agreed to include high school children.

·         A separate young adult fiction section is maintained to meet the special concerns, interest, and reading abilities of this age group, and as a browsing aid because of heavy use.  Popular series, mysteries, science fiction, romance, adventure stories and other fiction written especially for young adults are chosen using general selection criteria.  Each year the library will purchase that year’s Iowa Teen Award Books for this collection.

11. Children’s Collection

·         The children’s department provides books and other materials for the very small child, growing child, in the intermediate years, and for adults who are concerned with children’s literature.

·         Materials are selected to excite the preschool and the beginning reader, to fill recreational needs, personal hobbies and interests, and to supplement school projects and assignments.  Most upper-level non-fiction is inter-shelved in the general non-fiction collection. While quality of writing and illustrations are of top priority, general demand is also a consideration.  Children, as well as adults, have various levels of ability and interest, so many types of books and other materials are chosen regularly.  In areas of social and personal awareness, cultural and topical concerns, and traditional and modern values, materials are chosen for all ages of children in both fiction and non-fiction.

·         Classics and popular standard titles and authors are purchased regularly to allow constant availability, as are the newest titles, as long as demand for them persists.

·         Children’s books are usually available in a variety of bindings; pre-bound publisher’s library edition, trade edition, paper, and hard-bound paperback. Quality, binding, cost and projected use generally decide which is chosen.  Audio visual materials,-especially audio CDs, DVDs, and various combinations of these materials, (i.e.books on CDs)-are increasingly available for children.  They are chosen to enhance a child’s experience with the aural and visual arts.  In addition, they are very important language learning tools for both adults and children to whom English is new.  For those movie titles that are appropriate and suitable for all ages, are present as a book on the juvenile collection, or have significant demand by both adults and children, duplicate copies will be selected and shelved in the movie collection when there is need. The library will maintain and license a permanent collection for on-site viewing of movies. 

12.  Collection Maintenance

·         Determining the number of copies each title the library should have and when said volume should be replaced, repaired, or withdrawn will be based on: Regular analysis of the use of the collection, the needs and interests of the community, cost and physical condition, and availability of specific titles. 

13. Gifts

·         The library welcomes gifts of books, other library material, or money to buy such materials, but reserves the right to use and dispose of gift materials as seems appropriate for current needs.  They may be added to the collection if needed, exchanged with or given to other libraries and non-profit institutions, or sold at the library book sales with proceeds used to buy new library materials or fund children’s programming.  Books may be placed on a public discard shelf and discarded if not usable for any of the preceding purposes.  The library endorses the concept of recycling printed materials and tries to use or dispose of gifts in a manner which fosters this concept.  Books or other library materials may be accepted for the collection in memory of a loved one. The library is under no obligation, however, to replace these gifts if they are lost, damaged, or worn, or to keep them if they have become obsolete or of no further value to the library. 

Board Approved: Reviewed: 10/2011 Reviewed and Revised 12/2014 Reviewed 11-2018



1.    The purpose of the Tama Public Library is to provide circulating and reference materials to meet needs of all citizens of Tama. It is the policy of the library to select materials that fulfill informational, occupational, educational, and pleasure reading needs.  Materials of contemporary and historical significance, permanent value, and of purely recreational interest will also be selected.

2.    In choosing materials, it is the intent of the library to serve all the community by neither promoting nor censoring the ideas or opinions of any particular individual or group.

3.    The library acts as a selector rather than a censor.  In censoring, materials are intentionally withheld because of a part of their contents.  In selecting, materials are judged in their entirety, balancing the item under consideration with the library’s present collection, community needs, community desires, and the library’s budget.  Works are viewed with regard to their literacy, educational and informational value, and their popularity in the community. 

a.    The library does not act as a censor for children.  Responsibility for the reading of children rests with their parents or legal guardians.  Selection of material for the adult collection is not restricted by the possibility that children may obtain materials at the library that their parents or guardians might consider inappropriate.

b.    If a patron objects to any materials in the library’s collection, he may fill out a request for reconsideration form.

                                 3.b.i.    The material in question will remain on the library’s shelf until the Board of Trustees makes a decision.

4.    Responsibility for material selection rests with the librarian who works under the authority of and the policies determined by the Board of Trustees.  The librarian attempts to identify community need and to determine the areas of the collection that are inadequate, as well as those areas that need to be updated.

a.    Since it is difficult to determine all community needs and interests, the librarian welcomes recommendations from the public, the library board, and the library staff.  These suggestions are given immediate consideration and are subject to the normal selection criteria.

5.    The same criteria will be used in weeding materials from the collection as are used in their acquisition by the librarian.  In order to maintain a useful and attractive collection, the librarian will use her judgment in removing materials which are no longer useful or in suitable condition for circulation.  Such materials may be given to other libraries or sold for the benefit of the library.  A total of at least 3% will be weeded yearly, in compliance with accreditation guidelines.

6.    Books and other materials may be accepted as gifts at the discretion of the librarian and the Board of Trustees, as long as the donor agrees to allow the librarian and the Board of Trustees to use the material however they wish. 

a.    When the library receives a cash gift for the purchase of memorial books or any other items for the library, the selection will be made by the librarian in consultation with the donor.  The name of the donor and the person memorialized will be entered on the bookplate.  


      Board Approved  Reviewed 10/11 Reviewed 12/2014 Reviewed 11-2018





1.    Eligibility

·         Resident of City of Tama

·   All adults & Children age 6 and up.

·         Rural residents of Tama County

·   All adults & Children age 6 and up.

·         Resident of Iowa

·   All adults & Children age 6 and up.

2.    Registrants will be required to give a WORKING TELEPHONE NUMBER in order to obtain a card.  If registrant does not have a telephone, a local reference, with a

working telephone number, will be required.

3.    Proof of identity and address are required.  Proof of identity requires a picture ID: Driver’s license, school ID, Work ID, Passport, or other government issued ID.  Proof of address requires that something that was mailed to their address in their name with the postmark within the last 30 days be brought into the library, OR verification of address may be made with the Tama or Toledo City Clerk’s office if the registrant has a current water bill in their name.  Children registrants are required to have a parent/guardian sign a card at the library, in front of staff, granting permission for their child to check out library materials. The signee must provide proof of identity and address as listed above and will be responsible for any materials checked out on the card and any fines.  They must also sign a computer use agreement for children under the age of 18, if they wish to allow that child to use the library’s computers. This also must be signed at the library with proof of ID.

4.    All new patrons must provide a Social Security Number in addition to other requirements listed previously in this policy.  This is required by the City of Tama.

5.    Any attempt at fraud by said registrant, i.e., false name, address, or telephone number, will result in said registrant being denied all library privileges.

6.    New patrons must wait 30 days to checkout videos.

7.    New patrons may have only two books checked out at a time for the first 30 days.

8.    To assure patrons that materials are being correctly registered, they must present their library cards or picture ID when checking out.

9.    Regarding library use by children of parents who have revoked library cards:

·         The children and their library use is the responsibility of their parents, guardian or adult who signed their library registration card. 

·         When either parent’s library card is revoked, children will only be allowed in-library use, which includes computer use. This is only true if all fines and fees have been paid, and the parent(s) are just waiting for their one year of no library use to be up. If either parent still owes, there is to be NO library use for the children. 


Board Approved: 6/01 Revised: 5/08 Reviewed: 10/11 Revised 12/14 Revised 9/16 Revised 11/2018

​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

Overdue Materials Policy


1.       When materials are two weeks overdue, the patron will be called.

2.       If materials are still not returned after two more weeks, the patron will be sent a postcard, stating that they will need to pay the fine and reprocessing fee of $3.00 per item.

3.       If materials are still not returned after two more additional weeks, the patron will receive a letter stating they will need to pay the increased fine and the reprocessing fee.

·   Contents of this letter will include the following:

·   List of Materials to be returned

·   A final due date-Two weeks from date of letter

·   Assessment of fines at 10 cents per day for each overdue material OR

·   Replacement cost if material is damaged or not returned.

·   Statement that materials need to be returned and fines paid by date indicated on letter to avoid police intervention and an additional $25.00 collection fee.

4.       If materials are not returned and fines and fees are not paid by the end of 2 months total time, the case will be turned over to the Tama Police Department.

Board Approved: 5/11/10 Reviewed: 10/11 Reviewed 12/2014 Reviewed and Revised 11/2018

The Louise & Lucile Hink

Tama Public Library

Overdue Materials, Fines & Fees Policy

1.        A charge of ten cents per day is assessed on each item overdue, with the exception of movies.  Late movie charges are $1.00 per day.

2.       All persons are expected to pay fines when the overdue item is returned.  If the borrower is unable to pay at that time, the fine will be recorded on that patron’s account.  A person owing fines or fee charges, or having overdue materials will not be allowed to check out materials or use the computers.

3.       An attempt will be made to notify patrons of overdue items by phone after a two week period. If unable to contact by phone a postcard will be sent.

4.        If the overdue items are not returned within two weeks after the first notification, a postcard will be sent stating that they will need to pay the fine and reprocessing fee of $3.00 per item.

5.        If the materials are still not returned after an additional two weeks, a letter will be sent stating they will need to pay the increased fine and reprocessing fee. The Contents of that letter will include the following:

·         A list of materials to be returned

·         A final due date, (two weeks from date of letter) after which police action will occur.

·         As assessment of fines at 10 cents per day for each overdue material OR Replacement cost if material is damaged or not returned.

·         Statement that materials need to be returned and fines paid by date indicated on letter to avoid police intervention and an additional $25.00 Collection Fee.

6.        If materials are not returned and fines and fees are not paid by the end of two months total time, the case will be turned over to the Tama Police Department.

7.        If materials are not returned and  it is not possible to determine the exact price of the material, a standard amount will be charged, as follows:

·         Adult hardcover                                30.00

·         Adult fiction paperback                 17.00

·         Adult nonfiction paperback          20.00

·         Adult Non-Fiction Hardcover       35.00

·         Juvenile hardcover                           20.00

·         Juvenile paperback                          10.00

·         Multi-media                                       20.00

·         DVD/Blu-ray                                       25.00

·         CD books                                             40.00

In addition, there will be a $3.00 re-processing fee per overdue item.

8.       Patrons with two months or more overdue materials must pay the amount they owe. After payment is made, a one year waiting period must pass before reinstatement of library privileges.

9.       Each patron is responsible for materials checked out on his/her own library card. Patrons must use their own library card when checking out materials.  Patrons must present their library card or a picture ID in order to check out materials. Each patron will receive their first library card free. Replacements will be $1.00 each.

10.   Money collected for destroyed or damaged material will be used to replace damaged or stolen material.  If duplicate material cannot be found, it will be replaced in kind.

11.   Inter-library loan materials are available to residents of the city of Tama and rural Tama County residents, who have had their card for one month or more.  Patrons must pay $1.00 towards postage for each item.  If the library is accessed any charges on loan materials, i.e. damage, late charges, copying costs, the patron will be expected to pay these charges.

12.   The library staff may make copies on the copiers for patrons.  The fee is 25 cents per black and white copy with a limit of 100 copies and 50 cents per colored copy with a limit of 10 copies. A sheet of paper with printing on both sides is two copies.

13.   To print from the computer, cost is 25 cents per page for black and white copy with a limit of 100 copies and 50 cents per page for colored copies with a limit of 10 copies.  All pages must be paid for.

14.   All papers to be copied should be ready and not require the staff to prepare them for copying.

15.   All copying will be done at the convenience of the staff.  

Board Approved: 5/11/10   Reviewed and Revised: 10/11 Reviewed and Revised: 01/2015 Revised 11/2018

​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

Louise & Lucile Hink/

Tama Public Library

Inter-library Loan Policy


ILL Policy:

The Tama Public Library will request Inter-library Loan materials for any patron who has a library card in good standing with this library and lives in the City of Tama or rural Tama County.



Patrons must have had a library card from the Tama Public Library for at least 30 days before Inter-library Loan requests will be processed.  That card must be in good standing, without any fines or overdue materials.



The Library requests $1.00 for each Inter-library Loan item, to help defer the cost of postage.  Payment is due when materials are picked up at the library.  Failure to pick up requested materials will result in loss of Inter-library Loan privileges.


There will be no charge for Large Print and Audio materials for handicapped patrons.


Board Approved: July 7, 2009

Reviewed: 10/11 Revised: 12/14 Reviewed & Revised: 12/2018


ILL Policy:

The Trustees of the Tama Library have voted to temporarily suspend the $1.00 charge on ILL items received through IA Shares. ILL items received through the mail will still require $1.00 from the patron towards postage.  This policy will be reviewed at a later date.

February 11, 2020

The Louise & Lucile Hink/Tama Public Library



1.    Who can borrow movies or programs?

a.    Any library patron who has had a library card for at least one month, who has no overdue library materials or unpaid fines can borrow movies or programs.

2.      Loan Period

a.    The loan period for DVDs and Blu-rays with 1 or 2 disks will be 3 days, the loan period for those with 3 disks or more will be 1 week with no renewals unless the DVDs or Blu-rays are brought back to the library first.  DVDs and Blu-rays must be returned to the front desk or to the audio-visual drop box after hours.

3.    Penalties:

a.    There will be a $1.00 per day per movie or program charge for late DVDs and Blu-rays.

4.    Limits

a.    Borrowers may check out two movies or programs per card but only four per family.

5.     Overdue Charges:

a.    Money taken in as overdue charges on movies and programs will be tracked separately but included in fines and fees.  Payment for destroyed or lost movies or programs will go to Book Replacement.

6.     In-House Movies and Programs:

a.    These will not be available for check out. 

                   Board Approved:  10/09/2007 Reviewed: 10/11 Reviewed 12/14 Revised: 08/18


The Tama Public Library actively promotes cooperation with other libraries to ensure its users access to the materials they need.  Within limits set by policy and budget, the library’s resources are available to any patron, even if that person has access to other libraries.

The library supports planning for and participation in networks of libraries to share resources and technology, exchange information, and avoid duplication of materials.  The library makes available materials from other libraries through existing state and regional inter library loan systems.

The library participates in the State Library programs, including SILO, Open Access and ILL reimbursement.

The library believes that through cooperative efforts, the public will better understand the function and value of library service, while libraries will generally form a broader base of support.

Board Approved:  Reviewed: 10/11Reviewed 12/2014 Reviewed and Revised: 12/2018

TAMA PUBLIC LIBRARY: Fax and E-mail Policy


The library's office copier is set up as a fax machine and is available for use by the public.  The staff will prepare and transmit the material(s).

To send a fax, the cost for each page is $1.00.

The cost for a patron to receive a fax message at the library is $1.00 per page.

Outgoing fax-U. S. Only

A confirmation page will be printed for the patron as proof that the fax was transmitted.


                The library's office copier is set up to e-mail from the library's e-mail account. It has the ability to                 scan documents and e-mail them.

                This service is provided by the library.  The staff will prepare , scan and transmit the           material(s).

                To send an e-mail via the library's e-mail account, the cost is $1.00 per page.

                A confirmation page will be printed for the patron as proof that the e-mail was transmitted.

Board Approved: Reviewed and updated: 06/2015 Reviewed and Revised 12/2018


​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​


·         The library accepts unrestricted gifts and memorials of books, pamphlets, periodicals, films, videotapes, audio tapes, and/or any other appropriate library materials with the understanding that they will be added to the library collections only when needed. The same principles of selection which are applied to purchases are applied to gifts and memorials.  The library reserves the right to refuse gifts it feels are inappropriate and to dispose of gifts as it sees fit including the right to discard them if, due to content or physical condition, they do not meet the library’s standards.

·         Except for temporary exhibit purposes, the library cannot accept storage responsibility for historical documents or objects owned or controlled by groups or individuals.

·         The library will accept money and bequests, trust funds, and the interests derived there-from; pursuant to the laws of the State of Iowa.

·         In situations where limitations are placed on the use of such funds, the library board will have the authority to accept or reject those limitations.

Board Approved:   Reviewed 10/11 Reviewed 11/2018



The use of the library’s facilities for displays and/or exhibits, other than those which pertain to the library, by individuals or organizations is not a right but a privilege.

The library director may grant the privilege of placing exhibits and displays in the library, subject to the following conditions:

1.       No poster, display, exhibit, pamphlet, etc. shall be placed in the library for distribution without permission from the library director.

2.       No outside organization or individual shall be permitted to display or exhibit any materials which advocate the election or defeat of a candidate for public office, or which advocate an affirmative or negative vote for or against any proposition, whether political or otherwise.

3.       Nothing may be posted that advocates one religion or belief over another.

4.       Persons may not distribute advertising literature, circulate or post petitions or solicit funds for any purpose, other than those from which the library will directly benefit.

5.       Exceptions would include auctions and collections for non-profits, schools or victims of disaster. 

6.       The library assumes no responsibility for any item displayed or exhibited.  All items placed in the library are done so at the owner’s risk.

7.       In all instances, the library reserves the right to refuse any material it considers too commercial, in bad taste, or of doubtful value.

                Board Approved:  Reviewed 10/11 Reviewed 12/14 Reviewed and Revised 11/2018



Library staff and Board of Trustees and their families residing at home are ineligible to participate in library promotions and drawings where prizes are awarded.

Board Approved 6/8/2000 Reviewed: 10/11 Reviewed: 12/14 Reviewed 12/2018

Book Donations:

The Louise & Lucile Hink/Tama Public Library welcomes your donated books, audio books, movies, and music.  Your donation will be added to the library’s collection or sold at the book sale to help enhance our programs and services.

Book Donation Guidelines:

We Will Accept:

·         Hardcover and paperback books in good condition. We cannot use damaged books (e.g. broken bindings, missing pages, soiled, musty or moldy, excessive writing in the text) or clearly outdated materials.

·         Commercially published media (e.g. CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays)

We cannot accept:

·         Damaged books with broken bindings, missing pages, soiled, musty, moldy, with smoke or water damage, or with excessive writing in the text.

·         Clearly outdated materials (see below for guidelines)

·         Toys, games, puzzles, artwork-unless approved by the library director beforehand

·         Magazines (bound or unbound) periodicals, academic journals

·         Condensed books (Reader’s Digest)

·         Professional journals

·         Encyclopedias

·         Non-commercially produced media

·         Workbooks or study guides that are partially or wholly filled in

·         Computer programs

We accept certain materials within specified limits:

·         Price guides and almanacs (current only)

·         Medical and financial advice books (less than 5 years old)

·         Travel guidebooks (less than 5 years old)

·         Computer manuals (less than 5 years old)

·         Textbooks (less than 10 years old)

·         Test preparation guides (less than 5 years old)

Library Staff have final determination on acceptance of materials.

Board Approved: August 20, 2013 Reviewed December 9, 2014 Revised: 12-2018



The study room can be reserved for up to two hours at a time with patrons receiving first opportunity at reservations.  Patrons should be in good standing.  Marketing meetings and presentations will not be allowed.  Nor will individuals be allowed to use this room for consulting.  The condition of the room must be as found.  All reservations, during the day and in the evening can only be made during regular library hours.  The room can only be used during regular library hours.  Individuals and groups wishing to use the room for meetings are limited to two uses per year without permission from the Library Board.  Students wishing to use the room to study may do so during regular library hours if the room has not been reserved by another individual or group.  If anyone using the room becomes loud and unruly, they will be asked to leave and will not be allowed the privilege of using the room in the future.

Board Approved; Reviewed & revised: 10/11  Reviewed 12/14 Reviewed 12/18

Kill-A-Watt energy usage monitor check out Policy:

The Kill-A-Watt monitor and instruction sheets may be checked out to any patron in good standing without fines or overdue materials.  Check out period will be for 3 days.  Overdue fines for the equipment will be $1.00 per day.  Monitor shall only be used on small appliances.  Patron will be responsible for any damage to monitor.  Library is not responsible for damages to appliances resulting from misuse of monitor. 

Board Approved:

November 13, 2012 Reviewed 12/14 Reviewed 12/18



1.       Students must be in 3rd grade or above to be accepted as a volunteer.

2.       Adult volunteers are also welcome and appreciated.

3.       Volunteers must register each day that they work.

4.       Summer Reading volunteers will need to fill out a registration form, listing the days they will be available to help.

5.       All students volunteering hours for school credit must first seek approval from the library director, at such time a work schedule will be arranged in order to accurately track hours worked.

6.       Librarians and assistants are not baby-sitters.               

a.       Volunteers are in the library to work.

b.       If there is nothing to do, volunteers may read, do homework, or leave the library.

c.        It’s best for a volunteer to call before coming to see if there is any work available.

7.        Volunteers will follow a schedule.

a.       Volunteers will choose work from times available and stay with that schedule if possible.

                                                     7.a.i.      Volunteers need to call if they will miss their work time.

                                                    7.a.ii.      Unless previously arranged, volunteers will work only during their assigned hours.

b.       Please remember-there may not always be tasks available for volunteers.

8.       Volunteers will be courteous to other volunteers, patrons, librarians, and assistants.

9.       Volunteers will be doing boring tasks, as well as interesting ones, depending on what needs to be done.

10.    Volunteers will only work behind the circulation desk when asked.

11.    Volunteers will learn a variety of jobs as the need arises but may also do the same job for some time before learning anything new.

12.    Volunteers must clean up after themselves.

13.    If the librarian or assistant has to discipline a volunteer three times in one day, the volunteer will be asked to leave.  If the volunteer has been dismissed from the library three times, he/she will no longer be allowed to volunteer.


1.      The volunteer will receive a recommendation from the librarian when applying for another job, if their work record warrants it.

2.       Volunteer work experience looks good on a resume, to a prospective employer.

3.       Many skills can be learned by volunteering.

Board Approved: Reviewed and Revised: 10/11  Revised 12/14 Reviewed 12/18

Tama Public Library


1.        Disruptive Behavior Board Policy

a.       Disruptive children:  Unattended children whose behavior is disruptive to the library staff and/or library users will be asked to leave.

b.       Disruptive adults: adults whose behavior is disruptive to library staff and/or library users will be asked to leave.

c.       Persistence in this type of disruptive behavior may result in the loss of their library privileges as well as possible prosecution for public offenses.

Board Approved: --Reviewed 10/11 Reviewed 12/14 Reviewed 12/18

​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

The Louise & Lucile Hink/Tama Public Library

Sex offender policy

In accordance with Chapter 692A of Subtitle 1 of Title 16 of the Code of Iowa, the Board of Trustees prohibits the presence of sex offenders convicted of sex offenses against minors upon or within 300 feet of library property without written permission of the Library Director.
The Library Director may only give written permission as the result of a vote at a meeting of the Board of Trustees at which a quorum is present.
Persons barred from library property under the law remain entitled to library service.  It is the responsibility of the patron to arrange for another person to select, check out, and return materials to the library through possession of the patron’s card.

Persons barred from library property under the law will not be served by the library’s home-bound delivery service.
Violations of this policy will be immediately reported to law enforcement.


Board Approved 6/16/2009   Reviewed: 10/11 Reviewed 12/2014 Reviewed 12/18

Unattended Children Policy:


·         Children age 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times in the library. 

·         Older children are encouraged to use the library’s services but those with nothing to do and being disruptive to other library patrons and staff will be asked to leave. 

·         The library and its staff are not daycare providers. 

·         All persons not following library policies and rules will be asked to leave. 

·         Library staff may summon police in any instances that they feel warrants it.


Reviewed: 10/11 Reviewed 12/14 Reviewed 12/18

Food and Drink Policy:

The library will allow drinks with screw on lids only. No food will be allowed.

Staff may have food and drinks in the kitchen and office area.

Food and drinks will be allowed if provided by the library during library sponsored programming and meetings.

Board Approved: August 20, 2013  Reviewed: December 9, 2014 Reviewed 12/18

Children’s Room Meeting Policy:

The children’s library is NOT an official meeting room.  Participants in parent/child/social services meetings must meet in the study room due to the poor supervision of minors involved.  Also, due to the public use of the children’ room, confidentiality will be compromised and the nature of these meetings make other users uncomfortable.

Social Services Meetings include anyone present that are DHS or Mental Health and Disability Services or Child and Family Services or County Case Management from any County in the State of Iowa. This includes (Central Point of Coordination) CPC administrators. 

Board adopted: 10/11/2016 –Board reviewed and revised: 04/11/2017 Reviewed 12-18

Safe Child Policy

The Tama Public Library encourages children to experience the collections, services, and programs the library offers.  The following guidelines ensure their use of the library is a positive and safe experience. Failure to comply may result in the suspension of Library privileges, which includes exclusion from Library property.


·         A child is expected to abide by the Library’s conduct policy.

·         The library is not responsible for the actions, supervision, or safety of a child or for guiding or monitoring a child’s use of the library. Children over the age of 9 are encouraged to use the library’s services but those with nothing to do and being disruptive to other library patrons and staff will be asked to leave.

·         The library and staff are not daycare providers.

·         All persons not following library policies and rules will be asked to leave.

·         Library staff may summon police in any instances that they feel warrants it.

·         If children are too sick to attend school, it is the library’s policy that they are too sick to use the library’s computers or to spend time at the library that day.

·         Concerning parent’s/people calling the library to ask if a certain person or child is here; the library’s policy to say that we can’t give out that information. 

·         A child 5 years of age or younger must be attended and supervised by a caregiver at all times.  A caregiver is defined as someone 16 years of age or older who has the mental and physical capacity to care for the child should an emergency arise.  Children between the ages of 6 and 8 should not be left unattended for more than one hour. 

·         In the event a child under 9 years of age is left unattended for more than an hour, the staff will attempt to contact a parent, guardian or other caregiver.  If a parent, guardian or other caregiver cannot be located within 15 minutes, the Tama Police will be called and the child will be given into their custody.

·         If unattended children under the age of 9 are left at the library for more than 10 minutes after normal or weather-related library closings, the Tama Police will be called and the child will be given into their custody. 

·         Two library staff will remain with the child under the age of 9 until a caregiver or police arrive.

·         Under no circumstances will Library staff drive any child to any location or leave a child under the age of 9 alone outside the building after closing.

Board Adopted: 01/10/2017 Reviewed: 12/2018

​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​



Library patrons six years and older may use the computer.  Patrons five years old and under must be accompanied by an adult who has fulfilled the computer use requirements to use the computer.


Use of the computer is on a “First Come, First Served” basis.


Any user shall relinquish their computer to another user after 30 minutes, if all computers are full.  Because of increased computer usage, computer use will be limited to one hour per person per day for surfing the web, using e-mail or social media and games.  Persons doing homework, research, or using office type programs may use the computers longer if no one is waiting.  Although the library knows the importance of recreation, including recreational use of computers, informational and educational use will take precedence over all other uses.  Final determination of use will be left to the discretion of the library staff on duty.


There will be a limit of two persons at a computer at a time. Both persons must have a library card with no outstanding fines or overdue materials and have signed a computer use agreement.  The library staff reserves the right to terminate a person’s use of the computer if problems (such as excessive noise, physical abuse, or hardware or software malfunctions) occur. 


No individual instruction will be given to patrons using the computers.  Patrons wishing to learn must use available manuals or attend an introductory course. Help will be given to patrons by staff with starting up the computer, typing in passwords, and answering basic questions about different software applications.  It is the goal of the staff that all patrons become knowledgeable in computer basics.


Patrons wishing to save information must do so to a removable data storage device of their own. The library does not provide these devices.  

Board Approved:

November 11, 2004 Reviewed and Revised 11/2006 Reviewed and revised 11/2011 Reviewed and revised 12/2018

Reviewed 12/2019


Specific Internet Safety Policy

·         Internet Safety Policy for patrons under the age of 17 as required by the public law, commonly known as: The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and the Neighborhood Internet Protection Act (NCIPA), which went into effect on April 20, 2001.

o   Individuals covered by this policy may not, while using the library Internet computers:

o   Access inappropriate matter on the internet or any other resource.

o   Divulge their name, age, address, location or other personal information while using direct electronic communications; e-mail, Social media etc.

o   Engage in unauthorized access, modification, hacking, cracking and other unlawful activities, including but not limited to accessing library and other networks.

o   Provide unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identifiable information concerning and regarding themselves or any other person.

o   Access any material which might be harmful to minors.

o   The library filters all computers with internet access to be CIPA compliant. 

Board Approved, Reviewed: 10/2011 Reviewed 12/2014 Revised 12/2018 Revised 06/2019

Reviewed: 12/2019


Tama Public Library




In response to advances in technology and the changing needs of the community, the Tama Public Library endeavors to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of the community.  It is within this context that the Tama Public Library offers access to the Internet.


•      Patrons who wish to use the library's internet access computers must conform to the library's policy.


•      All patrons who wish to use the library's internet access equipment are required to sign and date a use agreement.


•      Patrons are required to check in and out at the circulation desk each time they wish to use the computers.


•      Patrons will need a current valid library card with no outstanding fines or overdue materials.


•      All users are required to read and sign the use agreement.  Parents of patrons under the age of 18 must read and sign the agreement giving minors permission to use the internet.  All forms must be completed at the library.


•      Internet filters are installed on public access computers available for use by minors.


•      An adult/parent/guardian must accompany patrons under six.  Parents or guardians, not the library staff, are responsible for the internet information selected and/or accessed by their children.  Parents may restrict their children from access to internet resources accessible through the library.


•      Parents are advised to supervise their children's internet sessions.


•      The Tama Public Library has no control over the information accessed through the internet and cannot be held responsible for its content. The internet is a global entity with a highly diverse user population; patrons use it at their own risk.  


•      Anyone that does not follow the rules set within the library's policies will be asked to leave, and library privileges will be denied.


•      Public Access computers print to a networked copier.  Cost for black and white is 25 cents per page with a limit of 100 copies, cost for colored copies is 50 cents per page with a limit of 10 copies.  Copies must be picked up from the circulation desk.  All pages you print must be paid for even if you didn't want as many as printed.  If you need help printing, please ask library staff. 



•      No one is allowed to change any settings of the library's computers or download Apps/software.  Our computers are networked.  Any damage inflicted upon the computers or network will be billed to the patron or their parents if a minor.


•      Computers will be shut down ½ hour before the library's closing time.  Patrons will relinquish computers at the time that the staff informs them to do so.


•      It is important to remember: There is sexually explicit material as well as other information resources, which you may personally find controversial or inappropriate.


•      Not all sources on the internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. You need to be a good information consumer, questioning the validity of the information you find. 


•      The Tama Public Library is not responsible for the reliability of information found on the internet.  Information cannot be guaranteed to be true and accurate.  The patron must know the integrity and expertise of the sources. 


•      Users shall assume full responsibility of learning to use equipment and resources.  In all cases staff will be glad to assist you in accessing the internet, but regular library duties will take precedence over assisting with internet access.


•      Library staff cannot provide in depth training concerning internet computer jargon or personal computer use.  We may, however, be able to offer search suggestions and answer questions.


•      The computers will be available during library hours, subject to periodic maintenance and use by library staff.  Computer access will not be allowed during certain library programming.


•      Time is limited to 1 hour per day as one session.  If the computers are full and there are others waiting to use computers, patrons will be asked to limit their use to 30 minutes.


•      The use of laptops and other wireless devices is allowed in the library and the internet may be accessed through our wireless network.  A copy of the library's wireless usage policy is available at the circulation desk. Each time the Wireless Network is accessed, a “Splash” page will appear.  Patrons must read, check the box and agree to continue.


•      Users may not use the library workstations for illegal or criminal purposes, including:

•      Violation of Iowa State Law: Iowa Law (Code of Iowa, Section 716AO) prohibits damaging or destroying a computer or computer program, software or system.  All users are liable if they damage any equipment or software.  Parents are liable for damages caused by their minor children. 




•      Violation of U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which prohibits the unauthorized reproduction of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principals of “fair use”. 

•      Gaining unauthorized access to the library's or any other organization's networks or computer systems—Hacking.


•      Misuse of computer or internet access will result in the loss of patron's computer and/or library privileges.  The length of the suspension is at the discretion of the library staff and library board.  Unlawful acts are subject to prosecution by local, state, and Federal authorities.


➢   Misuse of computers includes but is not limited to the following:

➢   Violation of computer system security

➢   Violation of software license agreement

➢   Violation of network usage policy

➢   Violation of another user's privacy

➢   Abuse of the library's equipment

➢   Noncompliance with Library Policy


Board Approved: Reviewed and Revised: 11/2001  Reviewed 12/20014  Revised: 01/2015  Reviewed and Revised: 01/2019

 Reviewed and Revised: 12/2019


Tama Public Library Wireless Policy


Wireless Internet Access at the Tama Public Library was implemented in August of 2006

for patrons who wish to use their own electronic devices when at the library. All terms and

conditions set forth in the Tama Public Library's Internet Use Policy are also

applicable to wireless network access. The Library’s Wireless Network has Internet Filtering installed.


1. All users are expected to use the library’s wireless access in a legal and responsible

manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is

provided. Misuse of Internet access will result in loss of the user’s Library access. It is

not acceptable to use Library internet services to:


·         Digitally reproduce and distribute copyrighted materials.

·         Degrade or disrupt equipment or system performance;

·         Vandalize the data of any other user;

·         Gain unauthorized access to resources or entities;

·         Invade the privacy of individuals;

·         Violate federal, state, or local laws or regulations, including those regarding

accessing, viewing, printing, and distributing child pornography.

·         Engage in any activity that is offensive or creates an intimidating or hostile


2.  Patrons are expected to know how to configure their own electronic devices for wireless use. The library does not offer wireless access support.


3. Most WiFi network cards will be compatible. However, the Tama Public Library can

make no guarantees as to compatibility of patron’s equipment with the library's network.


4. Printing access is not available via the wireless connection.  To print at the library work may be saved to an USB flash device or be emailed to the patron's web account, then retrieved from one of the library's public workstations and sent to the public printer.


5. As with most public wireless “hot spots,” this wireless connection is not secure.

Another wireless user can potentially intercept any information being transmitted. We

recommend that you do not transmit personal information such as credit card numbers,

passwords or other sensitive information while using any wireless “hot spot.” WiFi users

assume all risks and responsibilities to provide anti-virus protection and appropriate

security settings on their electronic devices. Please take appropriate precautions when using this


6. The Library will not be responsible for any information (i.e. credit card numbers,

passwords, etc.) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to patrons’ hardware

or software due to electric surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or


7. Wifi users should be certain that their laptops and other electronic devices are secure at all times and should never be left unattended in the Library, even for brief periods of time. Theft of such devices is not the responsibility of the Library.

 8. Disclaimer: Use of the Library’s wireless network is entirely at the risk of the user.

The library disclaims all liability for loss of confidential information or damages

resulting from that loss.

Board Approved: November 14, 2006 Reviewed and Revised 01/2019-Revised: 2/2019

Reviewed & Revised: 12-2019





I understand and agree to comply with all the following conditions:


•      I will check in and out at the Circulation Desk.

•      I will comply with all state and federal laws and the Tama Public Library policies and procedures.

•      I understand that persons under the age of 18 require signed parental permission.

•      I understand that persons under age 6 must be accompanied by an adult while using a computer.

•      I understand that parents are responsible for instructing their children on Internet Safety.

•      I understand and acknowledge that the Internet contains information, both written and pictorial, which may be offensive or harmful to me or to others.

•      I release the City of Tama and the library from all liabilities associated with my viewing of, use of, or exposure to any information, machine-readable file, picture, graphical representation, or illustration I may encounter while using any public-use workstation, whether or not such information appears or is delivered through the computer I operate.

•      I will not access or attempt to access any inappropriate websites, display or send inappropriate images, messages or files.

•      I will not violate any state or federal statute including those regarding obscenity, pornography, or delivery to minors' material deemed harmful to them.

•      I understand that although all the library’s computers have Internet Filters, not all inappropriate images can be blocked.  I will inform staff of any problem I encounter.

•      I understand that I create, store, and use personal files at my own risk and that the Library is not responsible for the loss of personal electronic documents, discs, files and equipment.

•      I understand that if I need to save files I must do so to a removable media storage device.

•      I will pay printing costs of 25 cents per black and white page printed (limit 100 copies) and 50 cents per colored page printed (limit 10 copies), even if I printed more than I really wanted. To print fewer pages, try printing only highlighted or selected items.  I will ask staff for help printing if I am unsure how to accomplish this.

•      I must have a library card with no outstanding fines or overdue materials. Visitors to our area may use a library computer after reading and signing a computer use agreement.

•      I am aware of the time limits for using the library's computers.

•      I understand the computers will be shut down ½ hour before closing time and will terminate my use when staff requests me to do so.

•      I will not damage or attempt to damage equipment, configurations, or the network.

•      I will not violate copyright laws and software licensing agreements.

•      I will not attempt to download or install any Apps or Software on the library’s computers.

•      I understand and accept that my failure to comply with Library policies and procedures will result in Library penalties that range from suspension of Internet and computer privileges through permanent eviction from the Library.


•      I understand that the Tama Public Library reserves the right to change its public use computer access policies and procedures when necessary. 

•      Computer use will be limited to one hour per person per day---once a day for surfing the web, using e-mail, social media or games. Persons doing homework, research, using office type programs or electronic databases may, with staff approval, use the computers longer if no one is waiting.  Although the library knows the importance of recreation, including recreational use of computers, informational and educational use will take precedence over all other uses.

•      Final determination of use will be left to the discretion of the library staff on duty. 


            Adult's Printed Name: _________________________________________________


            Adult's Signature: _____________________________________________________


            Address: ___________________________City_________________    State: _____


            Adult: Card #_____________Date: ___________________




            Child's Printed Name: __________________________________________________


            Child's Signature: _____________________________________________________


            Parent's Printed Name: _________________________________________________


            Parent's Signature: ____________________________________________________


            Address: ______________________City_____________________   State: _______


            Child's Card #_________________Date: ________________________


           Board Approved: 11/2006 Reviewed & Revised: 10/2011 Reviewed: 12/2014 Revised: 01/2015

            Reviewed and Revised: 01/2019   Reviewed and Revised: 12/2019


The Louise & Lucile Hink

Tama Public Library

Web Page Policy


          With the establishment of a Library Web page, we hope to post pictures of children     and other patrons using the library during different activities and events such as our          summer reading program, etc.  Parents must be aware of this.  If you object to your      child's photograph being used for this purpose, please do not enroll your child in any children's programming offered through the library.



          the library uses digital photography during children's programming.  These images       may be posted on our website or published in the local paper.  If you as a parent, do          not wish for your child's picture to appear, it is your responsibility to inform library         staff in writing prior to, and each time your child attends any library programming.


          Board approved-Reviewed 11/2011 Reviewed 01/2015 Reviewed 11/2018

Website Content Policy

The Louise and Lucile Hink/Tama Public Library makes available a website to inform our patrons of the library’s collections, programs, and happenings.

The website is neither intended to replace well-established websites and services, nor is it intended to be a collection of links to various topics.

Links to other sites that are solicited to be added to the website by a third party will only be added to the site at the sole discretion of the library director, and only then after taking into consideration the previous paragraph.

Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees: March 2017

